יום חמישי, 6 במרץ 2008

Women in Computer Science

We will have a "Women in Computer Science" workshop at Tel Aviv University on March 19, 2008. The goal is to have a great technical program by a fabulous set of leading women in computer science from both academia and industry, from Israel and abroad, and a chance for the women in Computer Science and related fields to get together. Interested female graduate students in computer science and related fields (engineering, mathematics) are encouraged to register now at tauwocs@gmail.com (there are only a few spots left). We are able to reimburse travel expenses for registered students outside TAU and lunch will be provided for registered participants. Space permitting, the invitation is extended to undergraduate female students as well (please apply at tauwocs@gmail.com). The technical lectures will be open to the general (female and male) public (faculty and students). There will also be a panel discussion with the invited speakers dealing with specific career challenges women face.
See http://www.cs.tau.ac.il/conferences/tauwocs-08/ for more details, schedule and how to register.
* Orna Berry (Chairperson, Israel Venture Association, outgoing Chief
Scientist and Director, Industrial R&D Administration of
the Ministry of Industry and Trade)
* Sophie Cluet (Chief Scientist in French Ministry of Science, founder of
Xyleme, previously head of INRIA Roquencourt and Researcher in databases, France)
* Edith Cohen (Senior Researcher in Computer Science, AT&T lab, NJ, USA)
* Dorit Dor (to be confirmed) (VP for product development, Checkpoint,
* Michal Geva (General Manager of Sun Israel Development Center, Israel)
* Daphne Koller (Professor of Computer Science, Stanford, USA)
* Hagit Messer-Yaron (Professor of Engineering, Vice-President and Dean for Research and Development, TAU, Israel)
* Eva Tardos (Professor of Computer Science and Department Chair,
Cornell, USA)
Organizing Committee: Julia Kempe, Svetlana Olonetsky, TAU

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