יום חמישי, 6 במרץ 2008

BGU Random Walks 2008 - Wed. March 26, 2008

Dear Friends, Colleagues,and Students
We are happy to announce BGU Random Walks 2008, to be held on Wednesday, March 26, 2008 under the auspices of the Lynne and William Frankel Center for Computer Science at BGU and sponsored by Jeffrey and Holly Ullman.
Speakers List includes: Uriel Feige, Ziv Bar-Yossef, Nati Linial, Sasha Sodin, Omer Reingold, Chen Avin and Nir Tzachar. Abstract and the full program is now available on-line at http://www.cs.bgu.ac.il/~frankel/RW2008/ .
Please mark your calendars, and please forward this announcement to anyone you think might be interested, or to any relevant mailing list.
Although this event is free and open to the public, we do ask that you register on-line, so that we can estimate the number of participants for proper handling of the logistics (e.g., free lunch).
Looking forward to seeing you all.
The Organising Committee:
Chen Avin
Shlomi Dolev
Zvi Lotker

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